Monday, May 18, 2020

Using the Spanish Verb Jugar

Jugar is usually the equivalent of the English verb to play and is used in much the same way. Using Jugar With Games The most noticeable difference is that in standard Spanish the preposition a is used after jugar when jugar is used to refer to the playing of a specified game: Me gustarà ­a saber si en Belice juegan al fà ºtbol. (I would like to know if they play soccer in Belize.)Aprendemos a jugar al ajedrez. (We are learning to play chess.)Los estudiantes jugaron a la bolsa y no ganaron nada. (The students played the market and didnt earn anything.)El actor jugà ³ a la ruleta rusa con una pistola totalmente cargada. (The actor played Russian roulette with a fully loaded pistol.) In parts of Latin America, however, the a can be omitted when referring to athletic contests. The absence of the a is a regional variation and shouldnt be imitated in most areas. Jugar isnt used to refer to the playing of a musical instrument. For that, use tocar. Using Jugar With Con When followed by the preposition con, jugar sometimes carries a meaning similar to to manipulate or to play around with. The phrase sometimes suggests that someone isnt treating something (or someone) with due respect or diligence: Los chicos de cuatro aà ±os juegan con las palabras e inventan palabras e historias disparatadas. (Four-year-old children play with words and invent words and silly stories.)Jugaste con mis sentimientos, como juega el viento con la hoja. (You manipulated my feelings, like the wind toys with a leaf.)No voy a jugar con mi salud cuando lo que quiero es mejorarla. (Im not going to trifle with my health when what I want to do is make it better.)Chà ¡vez dijo que los banqueros privados jugaron con el dinero del pueblo. (Chà ¡vez said the private bankers gambled with the peoples money.) Standing by itself, jugar usually means simply to play: Jugaban todo el dà ­a. (They played all day.) The phrase jugar limpio is used to mean to play clean, that is, playing fairly, by the rules or otherwise in a commendable manner. The opposite, to play dirty, is jugar sucio. Using Jugar Reflexively In the reflexive form, if it doesnt mean to play together, jugarse usually suggests gambling or taking risks: Facebook y Twitter se juegan por lo mà ¡s popular. (Facebook and Twitter are competing to be the most popular.)Me juguà © la vida porque tenà ­a que triunfar. (I bet my life because I had to win.)Ellos se juegan mucho mà ¡s que nosotros. (Theyre risking a lot more than we are.) Remember that jugar is conjugated irregularly.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Bill Gates Has a Positive Impact on Society - 945 Words

Without a society integrated with technology, communication and productivity would be hindered not only on a person level, but a global and commercial scale. Bill Gates, an American entrepreneur, found success from being the co-founder of Microsoft and designing and developing software for the Personal Computer (How to be a Billionaire). William Henry Gates III was born on October 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington. He was the second child and only son of William Henry Gates Jr. and Mary Maxwell Gates. His father, being a Seattle attorney and his mother being a schoolteacher helped him achieve his brilliant state. In middle school, Gates developed an interest in computer science, a path which allowed him to explicate the smarts he obtained†¦show more content†¦The relationships behind the data are so extreme that it is expected that humans could not pick up on them. None of this would be possible without the advances of computer technology over the past few decades. And Bill Gates, with his advances in the personal computer industry, was a significant contributor to scientific research. Bill Gates not only brought the scientific revolution into existence, his software helped make information available to a more informed public. Staying abreast with current events and news is essential to keeping updated with human affairs. News allows two people to come together in support or in opposition of events, helping us Americans express our first amendment right of freedom of speech. To many it would seem plausible that such an important matter needed to be accessed at any time; Bill Gates and Microsoft’s software were driving factors in making this a reality. Having access to the internet is vital for staying updated in our world’s constantly changing news. Obtaining all viewpoints is difficult when watching television or listening to the radio, while with the internet, the quantity of viewpoints is abundant. 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In boards we trust Essay Example For Students

In boards we trust Essay Weve just witnessed a winter of considerable discontent, as several artistic and managing directors in various parts of the country were recently removed from their positions in ways that appeared to the profession and the public as callous, hasty, unprofessional or at best confusing. While it is not always possible to control the treatment of such situations in the press, or to silence the rumor mill, boards of trustees can do a great deal of damage control to avoid some of the trauma that has characterized these recent terminations. Thankfully, most boards do act sensitively in such cases, for there is no time when a boards role in the life of a theatre becomes more important than when a leader is hired or fired. I looked up board in my dictionary, and one of the definitions was a course sailed against the wind. Boards need to be sure they are sailing into the wind if we are to retain our best artists and managers in the terribly difficult job of leading nonprofit theatres. Boards of trustees have three overriding responsibilities. The first is fiscal responsibility for the institution. The buck stops with them. They are the financial guardians. Hopefully, this means that they accept the pragmatic responsibility to generate a significant portion of the contributed income, rather than just overseeing staff fund-raising efforts and demanding tighter and tighter budget control. A second primary board responsibility is to serve as a link between the theatre and the community. Artistic and management staffs are often imported to create and produce the work of the theatre. But the gloryand the challengeof creating theatres is resisting generic art. What is challenging to audiences in Berkeley, Calif. isnt necessarily going to have the same impact in Miami, Fla. A board is relied on to advise and help the professional leaders define how best to implement the theatres missionadvise, not direct. (The days of board playreading committees are thankfully an aberration of the past.) A nonprofit theatre receives tax exemption from the IRS by demonstrating that it provides educational and social services to the community. A board must not only monitor activities to be sure they are operating within nonprofit regulations, but must help the staff to extend the roots of the institution as deeply into the community as possible. The institution must serve the needs of its c ommunity as well as the needs of its artists, and the board is essential in that balancing act. The third and most important responsibility that has fallen to boards of most nonprofit organizations is the hiring and firing of its staff leadership. This responsibility begins with the recruiting process creating detailed job descriptions that include a list of qualifications necessary to fulfill the theatres mandate; a search process that includes, in the case of an artistic director especially, travel to see the artists work; consultation with other theatre professionals; and a clear agreement between the individual selected and the board of what is expected over what period of time. Setting forth a time frame is especially important; so is the establishment up front of a means of mutual evaluation and regular intervals for assessing progress. Two of the greatest dangers to a boards relationship with its staff and leaders are the temptation to micro-manage, and a tendency to be impatient for results. Ive written in this column before of my strong belief that it takes two or even three seasons for a new artistic leader to define and refine his or her vision for the theatre. A board needs to factor in such a time frame following any new appointment, and do all it can to help nurture an environment in which that vision can evolve. .u46e0f51f0ad96fc56a394cb56702d44e , .u46e0f51f0ad96fc56a394cb56702d44e .postImageUrl , .u46e0f51f0ad96fc56a394cb56702d44e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u46e0f51f0ad96fc56a394cb56702d44e , .u46e0f51f0ad96fc56a394cb56702d44e:hover , .u46e0f51f0ad96fc56a394cb56702d44e:visited , .u46e0f51f0ad96fc56a394cb56702d44e:active { border:0!important; } .u46e0f51f0ad96fc56a394cb56702d44e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u46e0f51f0ad96fc56a394cb56702d44e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u46e0f51f0ad96fc56a394cb56702d44e:active , .u46e0f51f0ad96fc56a394cb56702d44e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u46e0f51f0ad96fc56a394cb56702d44e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u46e0f51f0ad96fc56a394cb56702d44e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u46e0f51f0ad96fc56a394cb56702d44e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u46e0f51f0ad96fc56a394cb56702d44e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u46e0f51f0ad96fc56a394cb56702d44e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u46e0f51f0ad96fc56a394cb56702d44e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u46e0f51f0ad96fc56a394cb56702d44e .u46e0f51f0ad96fc56a394cb56702d44e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u46e0f51f0ad96fc56a394cb56702d44e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Kenny Raskin - gambling on Everyman EssayBut if an artistic or managing director really isnt working out, the problem may simply be that the search and courtship process were ineffective, and the blame may well fall equally at the feet of the board. When such mistakes are made, its absolutely essential that the board not compound the first error by making an even worse one in the termination process. Theatre is a very small community. An artist fired amidst rumor and innuendo may be severely handicapped in seeking future employment; yet the dismissal may simply have been caused by incompatibility between that particular artist and that particular theatre. There have been too many mishandled firings in recent years as we struggle to figure out how to fill the shoes of our theatre founders with succeeding generations of aspiring leaders in our relatively young movement. As a field, we must work together to develop a better means of selecting and, when necessary, parting ways with our institutional leaders. If we dont, who will want to risk leading a theatre in the future? What kind of signal is sent to artistic and managing directors when their peers are summarily dismissed? Surely, future recruitment could be jeopardized for those institutions and perhaps for others. More important, such events tend to put the successors on trial during what should be a transitional period. They feel that they have to succeed. Now. Forget about learning curves. Forget about the time necessary to refocus staffs and the board itself to new ways of working. Process, the one essential in the growth of a theatre, simply gets ignored. Instant Product becomes the overriding determinant. There is constant discussion about the talent drain from the theatre. Failure to treat professionals with respect will only increase the drain. To have been appointed to such high-level positions in the first place, artists and managers have to have substantial records of achievement and reputation within the field. Even if a board subsequently decides its selection was unwise, or the chemistry is wrong, surely a dismissal can be handled with civility.